Indie Craft Experience

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save the date - Holiday Shopping Spectacular 11.9 & 11.10

save the date - Holiday Shopping Spectacular 11.9 & 11.10

Join us for our biggest event of the year!

Date: Saturday November 9th & Sunday November 10th
Time: 11-5 p.m.
Location: The Yaarab Temple
400 Ponce de Leon
Atlanta, GA 30308

Getting There:
There is free parking on site

Cost: $5 at the door, kids under 12 free!

Follow us on Instagram: @indiecraftexperience

2019 Best Craft Market - Critics Choice & Readers Choice

2019 Best Craft Market - Critics Choice & Readers Choice

The Indie Craft Experience produces award-winning craft & vintage markets and pop-up shops in Atlanta, GA. 

Thank you ATL for picking us for "Best Local Craft Market" in 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, and 2019, plus "Best Pop-Up Shop Concept" in 2015 & 2016 and "Best Art Market" in 2016 for Creative Loafing's Best of Atlanta. We could not be more thrilled!

Indie Craft Experience is Atlanta’s premier craft market.
— Creative Loafing, May 2017


Listen to us talk about the Indie Craft Experience on the:

- Peach and Prosperity podcast here
- ShowATL podcast here
- Good Gracious podcast here

Celebrating over 17+ years of craft & vintage in the ATL!
Indie Craft Experience. CRAFT & VINTAGE IN ATLANTA. SINCE 2005.

We’ve been hosting artist markets
and inspiring creativity
in Atlanta since 2005!
